Category: Markup tags
Textpattern documentation within the category ‘Markup tags’:
The basic css tag is used to output the URL of the stylesheet assigned in the Textpattern Sections panel.
Feed link
The feed_link tag is used to output a link to the site's 'articles' RSS feed.
The hide tag is used to suppress the interpretation of all enclosed contents.
Display a list af article 'keywords'.
Textpattern will replace this tag with the 2-letter code of the language which is set as the website's language.
Meta author
The meta_author tag is a single tag, used in the head of an individual article page template.
Meta description
The meta_description tag is a single tag used in a variety of ways to display meta description content.
Meta keywords
The meta_keywords tag is a single tag used in a variety of ways to display keyword data.
Page title
The page_title tag is a single tag that displays title text depending on the context it is used.
Page url
The page_url tag is a single tag that is used to return a particular component of the URL from the current page being displayed.
Password protect
When Textpattern encounters the password_protect tag it causes the user to be prompted for a username and password.
Site name
The site_name tag is a single tag that returns the site's name as defined within the Preferences panel.
Site slogan
The site_slogan tag is a single tag which is used to output the site's tagline.
Site url
The site_url tag is a single tag which returns the full URL of the site.
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