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<txp:css />

The basic css tag is a single tag used to output the URL of the stylesheet assigned in the Textpattern Sections panel.


Tag will accept the following attributes (case-sensitive) as well as the global attributes :

format="value" v4.0.4+
How to format output: either return complete HTML link tag with necessary HTML attributes, or only the stylesheet’s URL. As of Textpattern 4.7.2 you can specify using physical (flat) files.
Values: link, flat.link, url or flat.url.
Default: url.
media="value" v4.0.4+
HTML media attribute to be applied to link tag (when invoked with format="link").
Default: screen.
name="style name"
Link to specified style.
rel="value" v4.0.4+
HTML rel attribute to be applied to link tag (when invoked with format="link").
Default: stylesheet.
title="value" v4.0.4+
HTML title attribute to be applied to link tag (when invoked with format="link").
Default: unset.


Example 1: Output just the stylesheet’s URL

    <!-- …tags… -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<txp:css />" media="screen, projector">
    <!-- …more tags… -->
    <!-- …tags… -->
    <txp:css format="link" />
    <!-- …more tags… -->
    <!-- …tags… -->
    <txp:css format="link" name="style_name" />
    <!-- …more tags… -->

Example 4: Output print and alternate stylesheets

    <!-- …tags… -->
    <txp:css format="link" name="plain" rel="alternate" title="Plain and simple style" />
    <txp:css format="link" name="glossy" rel="alternate" title="Glossy style" />
    <txp:css format="link" name="print" media="print" />
    <!-- …more tags… -->

Example 5: Output print and alternate stylesheets calling flat files (v4.7.2+)

    <!-- …tags… -->
    <txp:css name="plain" media="all" rel="alternate" title="Plain and simple style" format="flat.link" />
    <txp:css name="glossy" media="screen" rel="alternate" title="Glossy style" format="flat.link" />
    <txp:css name="print" media="print" format="flat.link" />
    <!-- …more tags… -->


Version 4.7.2

flat.link and flat.url values added to format attribute.

Version 4.3.0

n attribute deprecated and renamed to name.

Version 4.0.4

format, media, rel and title attributes added.

If you notice any kind of problem with this page's construction or content (outdated information, typos, broken links, or whatever), open an issue to have it sorted. Or have a go at it yourself. :)