Category: Search tags
Textpattern documentation within the category ‘Search tags’:
If search
The if_search tag will execute the contained statements if the called page is the result of a search.
If search results
The if_search_results tag will execute the contained statements if the current article list contains a certain amount of entries matching a search.
Search input
This tag will provide a text entry field for search parameters and an optional button to initiate the search.
Search result count
The search_result_count tag is a single tag that returns the number of articles returned by an article tag.
Search result date
This tag will provide the article posted date as returned by the search function.
Search result excerpt
The search_result_excerpt tag will show the occurrence of the search term with some surrounding context.
Search result title
The search_result_title tag will provide a hyperlinked title to an article as returned by the search function.
Search result url
The search_result_url tag will provide a hyperlinked URL to an article as returned by the search function.
Search term
The search_term tag is a single tag which returns the expression the user searched for through the full text search form.
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