Image with caption shortcode
Adding an image as a figure with caption is a common desire with web publishers. With a flexible short-tag and shortcode combination, this is easy and reusable.
Consider the following raw HTML example:
<figure class="some-class">
<img src="" alt="The throne of Zeus" />
<figcaption>A view from Mount Olympus</figcaption>
Writing that block of nested markup each time you want a figure is tedious, and a messy distraction in your article copy when editing. It’s also a pain to find and edit such markup when you need to later, notably the caption.
Let’s do better.
Form to use
Create a new Form template (of any type), name it figure, paste the following code in, and save the template:
<figure<txp:if_yield name="class"> class="<txp:yield name="class" />"</txp:if_yield>>
<txp:image id='<txp:yield name="id" />' />
<txp:if_yield name="caption">
<figcaption><txp:yield name="caption" escape="tidy,textile" /></figcaption>
<txp:else />
<txp:image_info id='<txp:yield name="id" />' wraptag="figcaption" escape="tidy,textile" />
Now you have a custom shortcode. By creating that code, you automatically create a corresponding short-tag too.
The Textile attribute (and values), escape="tidy,textile"
, used in the example above is optional. It enables rendering any Textile you may want to use in your image captions (e.g. a source link). See Escaping tags for more about this new attribute functionality, which works on every Textpattern tag.
Short-tag to use
The corresponding short-tag reflects the name of your shortcode form: <txp::figure />
See Custom short-tags and shortcodes doc for tag usage when short-tag functionality is disabled in Preferences.
Tag attributes
This new tag, as designed, takes up to three attributes:
(mandatory) — The id of the image you wish to display.class
(optional) — A CSS class to apply to the HTMLfigure
element (i.e.<figure class="">
(optional) — The caption to apply to the image. If omitted, it will use the one associated with the image itself.
Example usage
You can use the custom short-tag any way you like:
<txp::figure id="130" />
<txp::figure id="130" class="photo" />
<txp::figure id="130" class="photo" caption="The throne of Zeus at Mount Olympus." />
Or as part of a grid of images:
<txp:images category="travel" wraptag="div" class="grid">
<txp::figure id='<txp:image_info type="id" />' />
See more Shortcode examples.