If article section
The if_article_section tag is a conditional tag and always used as an opening and closing pair, like this…
…conditional statement…
The tag will execute the contained statements if the section name associated with a particular article matches the value of the name
attribute. Should be used in an article form.
Tag will accept the following attributes (case-sensitive) as well as the global attributes :
- One or more section names separated by a comma.
- Example :
Example 1: Check the article’s section
<txp:if_article_section name="poetry">
<p>by <txp:author /></p>
Displays the author name if the current article belongs to the section named poetry
Other tags used: author.
Example 2: Using the tag with else
<txp:if_article_section name="poetry">
<p>Fun With poetry</p>
<txp:else />
<p><a href="index.php">Home</a></p>
Display the welcome text if the article’s section matches poetry
, or shows a default link otherwise.
Other tags used: else.