If article image
The if_article_image tag is a conditional tag and always used as an opening and closing pair, like this…
…conditional statement…
The tag will execute the contained statements if an image is associated (through the Write panel ‘Article image’ field) with the article being displayed.
This tag has no attributes of its own. It accepts only the global attributes .
Example 1: Display default image if no article image exists
<txp:article_image />
<txp:else />
<txp:image id="5" />
Other tags used: article_image, else, image.
Example 2: Integration with third-party PHP resizing script (TimThumb)
TimThumb is a simple, flexible, PHP script that resizes images directly on your web server. Read the TimThumb documentation for basic installation instructions (also requires the GD image library). Then, for example, you can use the following:
<txp:images limit="1">
<img src="<txp:site_url />timthumb.php?src=<txp:image_url />&w=640" alt="<txp:image_info type='alt' />">
Checks an article image exists, then uses <txp:images>
with limit="1"
to display that image (because the <txp:images>
tag takes the article image as a first priority). Uses the TimThumb script to proportionately resize a 640px wide version of the image automatically, and keep a cached version of the resized image for future visitors.
Other tags used: images, image_info, image_url, site_url.
Version 4.2.0
Tag support added.