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File download name



<txp:file_download_name />

The file_download_name tag is a single tag that Textpattern will replace with the name of the file to download. Should be used in Textpattern ‘file’ type Form templates or within a file_download_link tag.


Tag will accept the following attributes (case-sensitive) as well as the global attributes :

title="boolean" v4.3.0+
Whether to display the file download name or its title.
Values: 0 (name), or 1 (title).
Default: 0.


Example 1: Display the name of a file, linked to download

<txp:file_download_link filename="my-presentation.pdf">
    <txp:file_download_name />
    [<txp:file_download_size format="mb" decimals="2" />]

Other tags used: file_download_link, file_download_size.


Version 4.3.0

title attribute added.

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