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File download



<txp:file_download />

The file_download tag is a single tag which Textpattern will replace with Textpattern ‘file’ type Form templates. Inside that form go the other file tags.


Tag will accept the following attributes (case-sensitive) as well as the global attributes :

Filename of the file to link to.
Default: unset (nothing is returned).
form="form name"
Use specified form template to process the files.
Default: files.
File id of the file to link to.
Default: unset (nothing is returned).

Common global attributes

These attributes are shared by all tags - and plugins, provided they do not override the functionality.

Where value is an HTML element, specified without brackets (e.g. break="li") or some string to separate list items.
Default: br (see break cross-reference).
Used to group list items when separating by break. Possible values are lists of integers, like 2 (groups of 2 items) or 1,2 (alternate groups of 1 and 2 items). Otherwise, the value is evaluated on each loop and `break` happens as soon as it changes. Note that `string` must be enclosed in *double* quotes.
Default: 1 (unset) (see breakby cross-reference).
breakform="form name"
A form to be used as `break`, generally jointly with `breakby` attribute. The special `<+>` pattern in this form will be replaced with the list "chunk" accumulated when break happens.
Default: unset (see breakform cross-reference).
class="class name"
HTML class to apply to the wrapper.
Values: Any valid string.
Default: unset.
The value to display if the tag's output is blank.
Values: Any.
Default: unset.
escape="list, of, transforms"
The transforms to apply to the output. See tag escaping for details.
Values: html, js, json, url, float, integer, number, ordinal, spell, lower, upper, title, [r|l]trim, quote, tags, textile, _any tag_
Default: html.
evaluate="number list"
Alter the processing order of top-level tags inside a form/container. Tags are normally executed from top to bottom. If you wish to change this order, imagine Textpattern tags are numbered incrementally from 1 inside a container. To process tags 3 and 5 first, then 1, 2, and 4, specify evaluate="3, 5" in your container tag.
Values: Any comma-separated numbers corresponding with the numerical position of primary (top-level) tags inside the container.
Default: unset.
HTML id to apply to the wrapper.
Values: Any valid string.
Default: unset.
The label to display before the output.
Values: Any valid string.
Default: unset.
The tag (without angle brackets) to wrap the label.
Values: Any valid HTML tag, e.g. h3 or div.
Default: unset.
Switch parts.
Values: 0 (no) or 1 (yes).
Default: unset (0).
Replace the content stripped via the trim attribute.
Values: Any valid string.
Default: unset.
trim="string or regex"
Remove the matching patterns from the output.
Values: Any. Use /value/ to trigger regular expression matching, otherwise the value will be treated verbatim as a set of characters to trim.
Default: unset.
wrapform="form name"
The form to be used as wraptag. Handy if the wraptag pattern is too long, or is reused.
Values: Any defined form name.
Default: unset.
wraptag="tag or pattern"
The tag (without angle brackets) to wrap the output.
Values: HTML tag or a string containing <+> pattern that will be replaced by the output.
Default: unset.


Example 1: Display a download form

<txp:file_download form="new-files" id="1" />

Gets file with id of 1 and displays results using new-files form.

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