Configuring a web server for Textpattern
Textpattern will function with any appropriate HTTP (web) server running PHP and MySQL. This article offers guidance and tips for configuring such a web server. This article does not address the installation of web server software, the security procedures for a production server, or any considerations toward performance optimization.
Apache with PHP
Textpattern runs faster on current mainline versions of Apache, MySQL, and PHP than end-of-life legacy versions. Typically, an existing production Apache web server with MySQL (or equivalent drop-in replacement) and PHP with appropriate extensions as listed in the system requirements is enough to run Textpattern.
The method of enabling PHP extensions varies between versions of PHP and Apache, and also across operating systems. Refer to the system requirements above and contact your web hosting provider if you have questions.
Modifications to an Apache virtual host file are typically not needed, especially if PHP is already enabled. A phpinfo()
pre-flight check is useful to confirm PHP and MySQL are functioning correctly. Create a .php file in the intended Textpattern location with the following contents:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Save the file as preflight.php or similar, and view it in a browser. If PHP is configured correctly, the resulting page will list details about PHP’s configuration, including active extensions to check against the system requirements above. Delete the preflight.php file when you’ve confirmed system requirements are reached and, ideally, exceeded.
Textpattern-specific directives are provided by the .htaccess file in the root directory and other locations within the file tree. It is important to upload this file if your web server runs Apache; it provides instructions for the web server to work in a specific way. The root .htaccess file controls, among other things, clean URLs. Without the .htaccess file, clean URLs will not work.
Nginx with PHP-FPM
Textpattern runs faster on current mainline versions of Nginx, MySQL, and PHP than legacy versions. Typically, an existing production Nginx web server with MySQL (or equivalent drop-in replacement) and PHP-FPM with appropriate extensions as listed in the system requirements is enough to run Textpattern.
The method of enabling PHP-FPM extensions varies between versions of PHP-FPM and Nginx, and also across operating systems. Refer to the system requirements above and contact your web hosting provider if you have queries.
Modifications to the Nginx server block may be required as directives in the .htaccess file are ignored and not processed by Nginx. Take the following example Nginx server
configuration with upstream
upstream php-fpm {
server {
listen [::]:80;
listen 80;
root /sites/;
charset utf-8;
location ~ /\. {
deny all;
location / {
index index.php;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_pass php-fpm;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
#Inhibits direct file downloads
#location ^~ /files/\.*$ {
# return 403;
location ^~ /themes/\.txp$ {
return 403;
types {
image/svg+xml svg svgz;
gzip on;
gzip_types image/svg+xml;
This server
block includes a basic web hosting setup and translates the Apache-specific directives in .htaccess to an Nginx format. It can be used as a base for your Textpattern site.
Hiawatha with PHP-FPM
Textpattern runs faster on current mainline versions of Hiawatha, MariaDB and PHP legacy versions. Only a few settings are required in your Hiawatha virtual host section, as a separate include file or in the main /etc/hiawatha/hiawatha.conf file itself:
VirtualHost {
Hostname =
StartFile = index.php
UseFastCGI = PHP7
UseToolkit = textpattern
WebsiteRoot = /var/www/
AccessLogfile = /var/log/hiawatha/
ErrorLogfile = /var/log/hiawatha/
#TLSCertFile = example-site.pem
#RequireTLS = yes
with your domain name and modify the server paths where appropriate. Use PHP5
instead of PHP7
if your host does not support PHP v7. Uncomment the TLSCertFile
line if you want to support secure connections. To forbid open access and switch HTTP to HTTPS only, uncomment the directive RequireTLS = yes
. Hiawatha has support for Server Name Indication, which allows us to serve multiple TLS websites via one IP address. Hiawatha also comes with a script to easily obtain, and automate renewing, Let’s Encrypt! certificates according to your virtual host configuration.
Hiawatha does not use .htaccess files. If you wish to use clean URLs, paste the following URL Toolkit for Textpattern CMS at the beginning of your include file for the virtual host, or in the main hiawatha.conf file itself:
UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = textpattern
RequestURI exists Return
Match ^/(css|files|images)(/|$) Return
Match ^/(favicon.ico|robots.txt|sitemap.xml)$ Return
Match [^?]*(\?.*)? Rewrite /index.php$1
URL Toolkit can also be adapted for many other tasks, for example HTTP 301 redirection:
UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = my-website
Match ^/my-former-url-title Redirect /my-new-url-title
Match ^/some-url Redirect //
Match ^/textpattern/ Redirect
This ToolkitID should be referenced from the virtual host section. You can also set some HTTP CustomHeaderBackend
or CustomHeaderClient
details there for better performance, for example:
VirtualHost {
UseToolkit = my-website, textpattern
UseDirectory = static
CustomHeaderClient = Vary: accept-encoding
Where static
would include cache directives for your static assets:
Directory {
DirectoryID = static
Path = /css, /files, /images
ExpirePeriod = 2 months, public
You can point to your website via multiple domains by adding aliases, comma separated, in the same line of the virtual host section. Uncomment the EnforceFirstHostname
directive, if desired, to return web pages for visitors by only the first (primary) domain in your list (301 redirected):
VirtualHost {
Hostname =,,
#EnforceFirstHostname = yes
More options and further information can be found in the Hiawatha manual, Hiawatha how-to guides, Hiawatha FAQs and the Hiawatha user forum.
LiteSpeed with PHP
Textpattern runs faster on current versions of LiteSpeed, MySQL, and PHP than end-of-life legacy versions. Typically, an existing production LiteSpeed web server with MySQL (or equivalent drop-in replacement) and PHP with appropriate extensions as listed in the system requirements is enough to run Textpattern.
Note that OpenLiteSpeed support for .htaccess
file directives was added in OpenLiteSpeed version 1.4.38. Releases prior to this will require .htaccess
directives to be entered manually using the WebAdmin Console. For further information on rewrite rules, please refer to this document.