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Installing Textpattern

These are detailed instructions for installing Textpattern. The instructions follow a process of using an (S)FTP application, which you presumably have (Transmit is a popular choice for Mac, and WinSCP is for Windows). If you’re familiar with installing CMS software and prefer the quick notes, see the README.txt file that’s included in the install package. If you’re more of a command line jockey, the bits in working with the development branch should suit you.

On this page:

Create your database

Before you can install Textpattern, you will need a MySQL database ready, and a user account with ‘write’ privileges to go with it. It’s a hurdle you jump on your web host’s side of things, but now is a good time to take care of it so it’s not holding up the Textpattern install/setup process later.

Record this information when you create the database and keep it handy. It will be used later in the setup process:

  • database username
  • database password
  • database name
  • database server address and port

Depending on your web host, your web host account username (or ID, whatever) may be prefixed on the database name and database login. If this is the case for you, it will be evident when creating the database with your web host.

For example, if your web host ID was your last name (lname) and you named your database oceans and chose me as a database login, then your actual database name and login to use in Step 1 would be lname_oceans and lname_me, respectively.

Download and unpack Textpattern

Now we begin the Textpattern part of the deal:

  1. Create a folder on your local drive and name it something recognizable (e.g. txp-new).
  2. Download the latest release package (either .zip or .tar.gz, as you prefer).
  3. Move the package to the folder you created.
  4. Expand the package.

The zip package will have a folder/file tree matching that in the Textpattern repo.1 Following are the folders and files you’ll see, pay particular attention the to .htaccess2 file if you intend to install Textpattern to an Apache web server.

Type: directory.
Removable?: no.
What it’s for: Empty by default. It’s where content files (.pdf, .docx, .rtf, .epub, .txt, etc.) will go when/if you upload them in the Files panel. You may see a warning about the directory’s chmod status (editing rights) in the Diagnostics panel.
Type: directory.
Removable?: no.
What it’s for: Empty by default. It’s where images will go when you upload them in the Images panel. You may see a warning about the directory’s chmod status (editing rights) in the Diagnostics panel.
Type: directory.
Removable?: yes.
What it’s for: Contains the XML-RPC functionality, which is legacy code from when ping-packs and such were popular with bloggers. If you don’t use it, you can remove it, but make sure the ‘Enable XML-RPC server?’ preference is set to ‘No’ in the Preferences panel.
Type: directory.
Removable?: yes.
What it’s for: Supports multi-site installations managed by one administration side. It contains a template and instructions (README.txt) for doing so. You can safely remove this directory if not wanted.
Type: directory.
Removable?: no.
What it’s for: Essential. Contains all the core scripting and functionality. Also where users log into site administration from the front-side.
Type: directory.
Removable?: no.
What it’s for: Empty by default. It’s where themes will go if you choose to export them to disk from the Themes panel as a backup or for sharing them with others. Each theme has its own subdirectory inside. Note that you may see a warning about the directory’s chmod status (editing rights) at the top of the Themes panel if the web server does not have sufficient write permissions.
Type: file.
Removable?: yes/no.
What it’s for: Important for handling many things on Apache web servers, like default URL formatting, 301 redirects, specific use (or not) of www., and so forth. You can add to the file, but you should not alter or remove the default content, which Textpattern relies on. .htaccess can be safely removed if you run Textpattern a non-Apache web server, e.g. Nginx.
Type: file.
Removable?: no.
What it’s for: Essential. It functions as the front end of your Textpattern site. It’s where web users arrive and and interact with the dynamic publishing.
Type: file.
Removable?: yes/no.
What it’s for: Negotiates the front-end stylesheets you create in the Styles panel. If you plan on hosting your CSS as flat files then this can be removed - if you store CSS in the database then this file is required.
Type: file.
Removable?: yes.
What it’s for: The file providing brief instructions for installing and upgrading Textpattern.
Type: file.
Removable?: yes.
What it’s for: The file showing the package release Changelog.
Type: file.
Removable?: no.
What it’s for: The GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE agreement. It doesn’t impact functionality, but leave it alone.

Upload package to web server

If you intend to use Textpattern to manage the entire website, you’ll upload the install package to your web root (i.e. the root of your web domain). For many hosts, the path to the root looks like this: /users/home/{username}/web/public/, where {username} is your user account name. You would upload the Textpattern package to the /public directory (equal to yourexample.com).

You may, of course, install it in a subdirectory if you’re only using Textpattern to run a blog, for example, as part of a larger site (generally people who do that end up moving the installation later).

You will use FTP, or Secure-FTP (SFTP) if your web host requires it, to upload the package to your desired web server location. Two capable clients are WinSCP for Windows and Transmit for Mac.

When ready:

  1. Connect to your web server via the FTP/SFTP client and navigate down to the directory where you intend to install Textpattern.
  2. If not done automatically by the FTP/SFTP client, make a second connection to your local drive and navigate to where you have the unzipped Textpattern install package waiting.
  3. Select the package file tree (the folders and files inside the unzipped version number folder) on your local drive and drag/drop them to your web server directory.

Setup and configuration

Now you’ll walk through the setup process, which is a series of screens. Have you’re “database information”:#sec1 ready. Assuming you uploaded the install file tree to your web root, open a browser and go to https://example.com/textpattern/setup/. (If you installed Textpattern in a subdirectory, the path would reflect that.)

Select language

You should now be looking at the default installation screen, which shows the Textpattern logo, a language selection menu, and a Submit button.3 The language you select will be used for the setup process, and become the default for your Textpattern UI.4

Choose the language you want and select the Submit button.

Step 1: Set database details

The next screen, the first of four installation steps, asks for your MySQL database details and site URL


The MySQL details are those you should have noted down when creating the database. The data asked for is:

  • login (database user name)
  • password
  • server (use localhost)
  • database (database name)
  • table prefix (optional)

As mentioned at the beginning of this doc, some web hosts automatically prefix database_ and database login_ names with your host account username. Be sure to check for this.

The server is almost always localhost. It would be unusual if it wasn’t, so try that first if your not sure.

The screen will say you don’t need to provide a table prefix if this will be your only installation of Textpattern. This assumes you only have one MySQL database available to you. If that were true, adding a prefix here (e.g. txp1_) would allow you, if desired in the future, to add another Textpattern installation (e.g. txp2_) to your database without conflict with the original tables. But it’s common anymore for web hosts to provide many databases, in which case no prefix would be necessary. Either way, this field is optional. If you do use a prefix, a sensible convention is something short ending with an underscore.

Site URL

Textpattern should have filled this in automatically by detecting where your installation files are relative to your web root. Just make sure it’s correct.

When ready, select the Next button.

If there was a problem with your database information, you’ll be notified about it now and won’t advance to the next screen. You won’t be told what the exact problem is either, but it will either be a typographical error in the data you entered, or there’s a problem with your database setup, in which case you should submit a support ticket to your web host.

Step 2: Add config file

If all went well in the previous screen, you’ll advance to screen 2, which is composed of two sections: Checking database connection and Creating config.php file.

Checking database connection

This part shows if Textpattern has actually communicated successfully with your database using the information from the previous screen. If so, you’ll see this:

Using {database} ({encoding})

Where {database} is the name of your database and {encoding} is the character encoding your database is configured to use - ideally utf8.5

Creating config.php file

Then it’s time to create your Textpattern configuration file in the /textpattern directory. Textpattern makes this easy by generating the config.php file contents based on your successful connection details. The code will look like this, but with your own data values entered:

    $txpcfg['db'] = 'database';
    $txpcfg['user'] = 'login';
    $txpcfg['pass'] = 'password';
    $txpcfg['host'] = 'localhost';
    $txpcfg['table_prefix'] = '';
    $txpcfg['txpath'] = '/var/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs/textpattern';
    $txpcfg['dbcharset'] = 'utf8mb4';
    $txpcfg['dbengine'] = 'InnoDB';
    $txpcfg['client_flags'] = 0;

Proceed as follows:

  1. Use your S/FTP client to connect to your web host, navigate to the installation directory, and open /textpattern/config-dist.php in your text editor of choice.
  2. Copy the code that Textpattern generated for you in the current screen.
  3. Paste the code into the config-dist.php file, completely overwriting its entire contents.
  4. Save the file, close it, then rename it by removing -dist from the file name, leaving config.php.

Return to the Add config file screen in your browser and select the I did it button.

Step 3: Populate database

This screen, step 3, is where you create your Textpattern administrator account. Doing so also populates the database with the necessary Textpattern tables and the CMS–database bridge is complete. The screen has two sections: Creating database tables and Site configuration.

Creating database tables

To create the administrator account and generate the database tables, add the following information, and remember the login/password (you’ll need it to log in):6

  • Full name (e.g. Jane Doe)
  • Login name
  • Password
  • Email address

Site configuration

Under this area, you’re asked to select the administration-side theme you want to use. The default theme is Hive. You can change the administration-side theme choice at any time in Preferences after logging in.

When ready select the Next button.

Step 4: Go!

The final step is essentially a confirmation screen with a link to the administration login location for your new Textpattern site. Congratulations! You’ve installed one of the best open source CMS systems available.

The screen will also suggest deleting the /setup directory for security reasons, and troubleshooting your diagnostics. But when first logging in, Textpattern will land you at a location not mentioned in this screen, so here’s the optimal course of action to take once you arrive at this confirmation step:

  1. Use your S/FTP client to connect to your web server. Go to the /textpattern/setup directory, and delete it (contents too). This eliminates one potential diagnostic warning you would otherwise see later.
  2. Return to your browser screen and select the “Main interface” link, which takes you to the administration login location. Log in using your new administrator account details (entered on the previous install screen), and check the box for remembering you, if you like.
  3. Proceed to the Diagnostics panel, as Textpattern suggested, to troubleshoot any warnings and errors you see.
  4. Go to the public side of your website (the homepage), easy to do by selecting its name in the navigation bar of any administration-side location. Read the tips and suggestions provided on the default article titled, ‘Welcome to your site’. They’re based on the experience of veteran users and intended to fast-track your efforts at building your first Textpattern website.
  1. Do not move files in the tree or change their names. Doing so will render Textpattern useless. 

  2. This type of file is a ‘hidden’ file, meaning it won’t appear in certain file managers unless the file manager is configured to show them. For example, if you undertake local development on a macOS, this file won’t appear in Finder unless you turn hidden file functionality on. The same goes for certain FTP clients, which typically hide these files until you change settings to show them. 

  3. If you don’t see this screen, check your URL path. Should it be https or www.? Did you install in a subdirectory? Is there a typo? 

  4. You can change the UI language any time after setup in the Preferences panel

  5. If you want to change your character encoding, you’ll need to do that at your database. But finish installing first, then change the database encoding later. 

  6. The login name and password should not be the same login and password used for your database. 

If you notice any kind of problem with this page's construction or content (outdated information, typos, broken links, or whatever), open an issue to have it sorted. Or have a go at it yourself. :)